Five for Friday, November 6

Big plans for the weekend? The forecast includes lots of rain and cooler temperatures. I’m anticipating lots of movie-watching and pizza-eating, with a splash of crocheting thrown in for balance. All of which is A-OK with me.

But in case you find yourself at loose ends, here is this week’s Five for Friday. Item #1 is specifically designed to keep you busy through the weekend.

1. The next time you find yourself bored out of your mind, take a moment to refer to BuzzFeed’s handy list of 24 Life-Changing Things You Could Accomplish in 24 Hours. It’s a good list. And even if you don’t find something on it that tickles your fancy, I’m betting it will inspire an idea of your own.

2.  Now that we’ve passed Halloween, all thoughts turn to Christmas. My son was always incensed by the fact that Thanksgiving tends to get overlooked in the holiday shuffle, so here’s an old post from my other blog, The Family Foodie, that was inspired by his concern for the underdog of winter holidays: 10 Reasons to Love Thanksgiving. You might as well spend the next month getting excited for that turkey.

3. And speaking of Thanksgiving, here’s a list of retailers that will be closed on Thanksgiving day. I humbly suggest that you give them lots and lots of your business before and after, because everyone deserves a holiday–there’s plenty of time for shopping without stealing someone else’s Thanksgiving in the process. (I would also suggest that you refrain from shopping on Thanksgiving day, since that only encourages retailers to believe it’s worth their while to make people work.)

4. All this talk of Thanksgiving is making me hungry. Are you as excited for soup season as I am? (I confess, I’ve made homemade soup twice this week.) Here’s a recipe for quick Chicken Posole that I’m really excited to try. It sounds spicy and delicious.

5. And finally, here’s a terrific article on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s newly-appointed cabinet, half of whom are women. Asked why gender equity was such a high priority in making these appointments, Trudeau said simply “Because it’s 2015.” Perhaps there is hope for the world yet.

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